发布时间:2023-05-23 14:25:41





Academic Appeals

Advice on the appeals process, as well as support preparing an appeal isavailable from KCLSU Advice. You can find forms for all stages of appeals in therespective sections below.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate (Taught) students may appeal againstdecisions made by their Faculty Assessment Board (FAB) on matters such asmodule results, progression and reassessment decisions, as provided by theT44 Academic Appeals (taught programmes) Regulation

The process involves two stages.

1. Appeals concerning decisions of the FAB (Stage One); and

2. Appeals to the Head of Student Conduct & Appeals ('Stage Two)

Stage One Appeals

Stage One Appeals must be submitted on this webform within 15 workingdays of the publication of results of the relevant module(s), sent to StudentConduct & Appeals (SCA). Appeals received after this deadline will only beaccepted at the discretion of SCA

A FAB may review a decision on one or both of the following grounds.

(a) Where there is evidence that the assessment/s may have been adverselyaffected by mitigating circumstances which you were unable. or for validreasons unwilling, to make known before the original decision was reached.

(b) Where there is clear evidence that assessment/s may have beenadversely affected by a significant administrative error on the part of theCollege or in the conduct of the assessment.

Academic Judgement

Appeals which are based upon a challenge to the academic judqment ofthe examiners will not be considered.

Mitigating Circumstances

You are expected to inform the university of any mitigating circumstancesby submitting a Mitigaing Circumstances Form (MCF) as soon aspossible either before an assessment, or within 7 days of it. Bypresenting yourself for an assessment, you are deemed to havedeclared yourself to be in a positior ertake the assessment

Therefore, any appeals which involve the retrospective disclosureof mitigating circumstances would need to demonstrate why an earlierdisclosure was not made.


Appeals should normally be accompanied by independent, third partyevidence of the mitigatina circumstances or administrative errors uponwhich the appeal is based. lt is your responsibility to submit all evidenceby the deadline for your appeal. and to have certified translationsundertaken, where appropriate.


Upon receipt of an appeal the FABderermine wether the critena for anappeal has been met. Where they have, the FAB will decide whether tomodify or confirm its original decision. They will normally meet andcommunicate their decision, sent by SCA, within 30 working days of thepublication of results of the assessment(s) to which the appeal relates.

Stage Two Appeals

Following the completion of a Stage One Appeal, you may submit a StageTwo Appeal if you are dissatisfied with the previous outcome. Stage TwoAppeals must be submitted on the form to SCA within 10 working days of thedate of the Stage One Appeal outcome letter. Appeals received after thisdeadline will only be accepted at the discretion of SCA.

Grounds of Appeal

In accordance with the T44 Regulation, a Stage One decision may bereviewed if at least one of the follow grounds are met:

(a) that there is new evidence that could not have been, or for goodreason was not, made available at the time of the Stage One submissionand that sufficient evidence remains that the appeal warrants furtherconsideration.

(b) that evidence can be produced of significant procedural error on thepart of the College in considering the appeal, and that sufficient evidenceremains that the appeal warrants further consideration.

(c) giving due consideration to the evidence previously provided, thedecision of the FAB was unreasonable

Outcome of Appeal

The Head of Student Conduct 8 Appeals (or nominee) will determinewhether the criteria for an appeal have been met Where they have. anAppeal Committee will be convened: otherwise. the appeal will bedismissed. This decision will normally be communicated within 30working days of receipt of the Stage Two Appeal.

Appeal Committee

Where an Appeal Committee is convened, you will normally receive atleast 10 working days' notice of the hearing, and will be invited to presentyour case to the Panel. The Chair of the FAB (or nominee) will also beinvited to give evidence. The Committee will determine whether there issufficient reason to challenge the decision of the FAB: where it concludessuch reason is present it can set aside the original decision and replaceit with one of its own, or refer the to the FAB, with commentary, for re-consideration. The decision of the Committee will benormally communicated to you and the Chair of the FAB within 5 workingdays of the decision.

Further guidance about Committee procedures can be found here

Office of the Independent Adjudicator

When all internal procedures are complete, students may request anindependent review of their case by the Office of the IndependentAdjudicator for Higher Education, if they remain dissatisfied with theCollege's final outcome.




















