Literature Review不会写,这里有模板可以让你用
发布时间:2023-03-10 14:12:21

很多留学生在写英文的论文时,都觉得文献综述部分是特别难的一个环节!文献综述主要总结某一领域中特定主体的相关研究,先总结,最后提出research gap,而这正是高分论文所必备的~

今天我们整理了literature review高分模板,专门用于留学生在无法自己独立组织语言,完成作业的时候,可以套入对应的模板。文献综述套用的模板在很大程度上决定论文质量!




Topic :

1、 Although the literature covers a wide variety of such theories, this review will focus on ...

2、major themes which emerge repeatedly throughout the literature reviewed.


1、 The authors bring some information about the background of the problem...

2. ...has been discussed by a great number of authors in literature

3、 For example, research has provided evidence for...

-Review Previous Literature




1、 Extensive/Previous/Prior research has shown that ...

2、 Previous research has established that ...

3. A series of recent studies have indicated that...

4、 Several theories have been proposed to...,some focusing on...,others on...

5、 There is a growing body of literature that investigates...

-Gap Analysis



1、 To date, this problem has received little/scant attention in the research literature.

2、 This paper addresses the need for...,so far lacking in the previous literature

3、The role of ... in ... is less certain/understudied/poorly understood.

4. These are the heart of the matter that are still not discussed in the prior research...

5、 The limitations of ... are increasingly apparent

6、 Half of the studies evaluated failed to specify...


对LR部分简单总结,结合前人所遗漏的点,重申research gap,进一步细化essay发展方向


1、 Additional studies are required to understand more comprehensively the key tenets of...

2、 Therefore, one of the tough challenges could be_for all researchers in this domain

3、 Overall,these studies highlight the need for...Considering all of this evidence,it seems that

4. One of the tough challenges for all researchers in this domain is ...

5、 Therefore, while the literature provides many answers to . ..., more is needed to give a clear
