发布时间:2023-03-07 17:21:12


Are you clear about the dates for submitting the assignment?你是否清楚提交作业的日期?

Is the assignment title you are working with exactly the same as the title in course documents etc?你正在使用的作业标题与课程文档等中的标题完全相同吗?

If you have to create your own title/project, are you clear about the instructions?如果必须创建自己的标题/项目,您是否能清楚说明白?

Have you identified your question words, topic words and focus words?你是否明确了问题的关键词,主题词和焦点词吗?

Have you checked the meaning of any words you don't fully understand?你是否检查了所有不完全理解的单词的含义?

Have you understood the whole title clearly?你清楚地理解了整个标题吗?

Have you produced an initialplan?你制定了初步计划吗?

Have you included all parts ot the questicaEbJnitialplan? 你是否已将问题的所有部分都包括在初始计划中?

Have you created a timeline for your reading and notemaking?你是否为阅读和记笔记创建了时间表?

Have you planned your reading in advance(core reading etc)?你是否已计划好阅读计划(核心阅读等)?

Do you know how many sources you need to cite?你知道需要引用多少文献资料吗?

Do you know what type of sources you need to cite?你知道需要引用哪种类型的资源?

Have you set up a system for recording your sources, so you can reference them later?你是否有一个记录文献的工具或者体系,以便以后参考?

Do you know what referencing conventions you will need to follow?你知道您需要遵循哪些引用格式吗?

Do you know howyour department wants you to present your assignment (layout/title page, electronic or print copy etc.)? 你知道部门希望您如何提交作业(布局/标题页,电子或印刷副本等)吗?

Have you identified your search terms so you can find your information?是否已确定搜索词,以便找到信息?

Have you identified the type of material you need (ie. primary or

secondary sources etc)?是否确定了所需的材料类型(即主要或次要来源等)?

Do you know how to contact your subject librarian or get help from the libraryif necessary?是否知道如何联系您的学科馆员或在必要时从图书馆获得帮助?

Have you selected readings for your assignment that may answer specific points in your assignment plan?是否为作业选择了可以回答作业计划中特定问题的读数?

Have you identified readings that are suitable for your assignment(appropriate level of information etc)?是否确定了适合您的作业的阅读材料(适当的信息水平等)?

Can you easily separate your notes for quotations taken from your sources?可以边阅读文献边做注释笔记吗

Are you using a system to take your notes and keep the bibliographical details of your sources? Have you recorded the bibliographical details for each source thatyou use?是否正在使用工具记录笔记并保留来源的书目详细信息?是否记录了所使用的每个来源的书目详细信息?

Have you read and understood the information about plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarising other people's work?是否阅读并理解了有关超级的信息,以及如何避免剽窃他人的作品?

Do you know what information is needed to cite your sources(in-text) and to write your reference list? 是否知道引用来源(文本)和编写参考清单所需的信息?

Have you organised your tasks in a diary or planner? Have you organised your study materials so that you can easily find the notes youneed?是否在日记或计划中安排好了任务?是否整理了学习材料,以便可以轻松找到所需的笔记?

Have you prioritised your tasks for this week?有优先安排本周的工作吗?

Haveyou included time for relaxation?有计划放松时间吗?

Have you checked whether your initial notes answer the assignment question?是否检查过初始笔记是否回答了作业问题?

Have you drafted a revised and expanded essay plan?是否草拟了修订和扩展的论文计划?

Have you checked that your argument is logical?是否检查过论点是否合乎逻辑?

Have you adequately covered your topic including any counter arguments?是否已经充分涵盖了您的主题,包括任何反论点?

Have you included evidence for your points? Have you calculated the approximate word lengths for all sections of your assignment?是否已提供论点证据?是否已计算出作业所有部分的大致字数?

Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence?每个段落都有明确的主题句子吗?

Does your introduction include a clear thesis statement? 介绍中是否包含明确的论文陈述?

Does your conclusion refer back to your introduction?结论是否可以追溯到开头的介绍?

Is it easy for your reader to follow your argument -ie. have you used linking and transition words?读者是否容易理解论点-即是否使用了链接词和过渡词?

Does your final essay plan answer the assignment question fully?最终的论文计划是否完全回答作业问题?

Have you acknowledged (referenced) all the sources you used in youressay?是否承认(引用了)您在论文中使用的所有来源?

If you have used quotations, have you shown these correctly(quotation marks orindenting)?如果使用过引号,是否正确显示了引号(引号或缩进)?

Have you got the information you need to write your reference list?是否已掌握参考列表所需的信息?

Where you have cited an original source, have you made sure that the grammar in your sentence flows naturally and correctly?在引用原始来源的地方,是否确保句子中的语法自然而正确地表达?

Have you checked the number of words you have written in your first draft?是否检查了初稿中写的字数(是否符合要求)?

Have you written a thesis statement for your introduction?是否写过根据介绍写过论文陈述?

Does your first draft follow the plan laid out in the introduction? 初稿是否遵循介绍中列出的内容?

NB: Your introduction should state what your argument will show and howyouwill set out your case.注意:您的介绍应说明您的论点会显示出什么,以及您将如何提出您的论据。

Have you used your writing plan to keep each paragraph ‘on track’?是否使用写作计划使每个段落保持“正常"状态?

Have you saved your work in two separate areas as a backup?是否将工作保存在两个单独的区域中作为备份?

Have you referenced each source that you have used?是否引用了您使用过的每个来源?

Have you included in-text references plus a list of references at the end of your document?是否在文档末标注参考文献以及参考文献列表?

Redraft: structure 重新修改:结构

Have you checked that your argument is presented logically?是否检查过您的论点是否合乎逻辑?

Does each paragraph contain only one main idea?每个段落仅包含一个主要思想吗?

Have you included examples and evidence to support your argument?是否提供了实例和证据来支持您的论点?

Have you clearly signposted your argument?是否清楚地标明了您的论点?

Redraft: language and style Have you used appropriate neutral objective language?重新修改:语言和风格您是否使用了适当的中性,客观的语言?

Does your grammar flow naturally and correctly within each sentence?语法在每个句子中自然而正确地流动吗?

Have you checked for basic spelling and punctuation errors? 是否检查了基本的拼写和标点错误?

Checking your referencing检查引用情况

Have you referenced your direct quotations correctly?是否正确引用了直接报价?

Have you correctly cited all the sources you used?是否正确引用了您使用的所有资源?

Is your reference list complete?参考文献列表是否完整?

Is your reference list in the correct order?参考文献列表顺序正确?

Style and formatting样式和格式

Have you removed all the 'planning and reminder notes from your document?是否已删除文档中所有"计划"和"提醒"的标记?

Have you used one font throughout the document?在整个文档中使用了一种字体吗?

Have you included any cover sheet as required by your department?是否按照部门要求附上了封面?

Is your work ready to submit in the correct format to the corect drop-box?完成后是否以正确的格式提交给正确的"收件箱?

Proof-reading and final editing校对和最终编辑

Have you checked your introduction?检查了介绍吗?

Is your thesis statement clear?论文陈述清楚吗?

Does your conclusion match your thesis statement?结论与论文陈述相符吗?

Does each paragraph have aclear topic sentence?每个段落都有明确的主题句子吗?

Does your argument develop logically?你的论点逻辑清晰吗?

Have you checked your spelling?检查拼写了吗?

Have youchecked your grammar by reading each sentence aloud?是否通过大声朗读检查语法问题?

Isyour punctuation accurate and correct?标点符号正确无误吗?

Have you written in a suitable style i.e. using academic register with appropriate specialist language?是否以适当的风格写作,即使用具有适当专业语言的学术表达?




























